Dental Implants

Dental Implants

If you have any missing teeth, then there shouldn’t be any delay in getting it treated. A single missing tooth can make the other teeth shift from its position, affecting the entire tooth structure. This problem can also lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Dental implants are the modern solution for replacing the missing teeth and are even preferred over other restorative options like dentures and bridges. They are good for your overall oral and systemic health and also provide the best long-term success. Implants are actually artificial tooth roots placed into the jaw bone. 

Why are dental implants the best solution?

Dental implants are considered an ideal permanent solution. After getting them installed, they function and appear just like any other teeth. They also help in keeping the bone tissue healthy and strong. But with dentures or bridges, the bone tissue might degrade over time. 

Is dental implant surgery painful?

Using general anesthesia, the dentist will make you sleep throughout the procedure, so you won’t feel any pain while undergoing the dental implant procedure. At the end of the treatment, the dentist will numb your mouth using a long-lasting pain medicine which helps in preventing discomfort for several hours after you wake up. Your dentist might prescribe certain medications for use at home.

What can you eat after dental implant surgery?

After receiving the implant, you need to have a soft diet as it will allow faster healing of the implant. A soft diet might include the following foods:

  • Soft fruits and vegetables
  • Tofu
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Soups with small pieces of meat
  • Soft bread, pancakes, waffles, muffins
  • Rice and pasta
  • Yogurt and ice cream

If you have chewy foods, like steak, or foods, then it might require force to bite; hence more pressure is applied to implants, which affect the healing process. The food with small, loose pieces like popcorn can increase the risk of food getting stuck and even leading to infection.


Call us 401-861-2140 or schedule an online appointment with Dr. Karkalas for a consultation at our office in 151 Waterman Street Providence, RI.

151 Waterman St
Providence, 02906

Lena D. Karkalas, DDS

151 Waterman St

Tel: (401) 861-2140

MON - THU : 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

FRI - SUN : Closed

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